Board Meetings

Minutes June 11, 2024 Lovells Township Board Meeting

Approved 7/9/2024

Regular Meeting of the Lovells Township Board

May 14, 2024


PRESENT:  Cheryl Hopp, Heather Lovell, Ken Ball, Tamara Kengel, Gary Neumann


ALSO PRESENT  Dave Soderquist, Jo Johnson, Ann C Duby, Sally Brand, Pam Charney, Rick Wright

Supervisor Neumann called the Board Meeting to order at 10:00AM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Reading and approval of the minutes of our Regular Board Meeting May 14, 2024.  One typo on the Planning Commission Date/Time was noted and will be corrected. Neumann moved to accept the minutes from the May meeting as corrected, Lovell supported.  Voice Vote:  All Ayes.  MOTION CARRIED

PRE-PAID VOUCHERS:            Presented were pre-paid vouchers From May 9, 2024 through June 6, 2024 as presented:  General Fund totaling $12,232.39  Direct Deposit Checks totaling $4734.67; Fire Fund totaling $4,766.49; Landfill Fund totaling $2024.05; and Liquor Fund totaling $96.46. Notable bills were a payment for our biennial audit and ARPA filing to our CPA firm, Dan Smith and Co.   Neumann moved and Lovell Supported to accept the pre-Paids as presented. In a roll call vote:  All Ayes.  MOTION CARRIED.

Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer’s May Report, was received. Neumann moved Lovell supported and, in a voice, vote it was Accepted as Presented.

CORRESPONDENCE:   Letter from Warbler’s Association requesting support for their annual Fireworks display was received.


Crawford County Planning Commission (CCPC)No Report

Lovells Township Planning Commission (LTPC) –Next planned meeting is July 1st at 5PM

Assessing- Preparing for Summer Tax bills and determination of the 20% of taxable parcels to be reviewed in the next cycle. The Assessor presented the status of inspections to date and the plan for the remainder of the year.  This plan should lead Lovells to having slightly over 20% of the parcels inspected this year.

Fire/EMS Department – 9 Runs called:  7 were responded to by Lovells Fire and EMS.  All runs were Medical in nature.  We were asked to inquire how the CR 612 Bridge work over I-75 would impact response times from Frederic EMS.  We know there will be an impact but we’ll inquire with Frederic their estimations on the matter.

Cemetery Sexton- No internments in May

Liquor Inspector- 3 Inspections, no issues noted

Zoning Administrator – 1 permit issued, Pole Barn style Accessory Building.

Zoning Enforcement Officer- The complaint lodged regarding a long term rental with a blighted property was referred to the ZEO for enforcement action.  The Big Creek Lodge Trail case has been discussed with the owner and he promises action.  If action is not perceived a ticket will be issued. It was requested that the ZEO check a situation on North Down River Rd. near Morley Road


Parks and Rec- The committee and a number of volunteers have been busy with development activities at Crossroads Park. Irrigation system to be installed this week and volunteers on Friday would be appreciated.  The plan is to have the Crossroads Park work completed by Bridge Walk.  Work continues on documentation to file for a 501c3 for a “Friends” group.

Historical Society/ Bridge Walk –

  • Beaver, Beer and Banjos is on track for July 20 but confirmation is needed to happen with the Tavern owners.
  • A slow start to the museum season was noted, perhaps due to the cooler rainy weather.
  • David Long may be interested in joining the LTHS board.
  • The schoolhouse is in need of replacement windows. As the nature of the building is historic, a custom solution is likely to be required which would make this expensive.  Quotes will be sought.
  • The LTHS Scholarship will be presented at a special event at the museum at a later date rather than at BBB.
  • Bridge Walk planning is gearing up. The committee is left a bit in the dark on recent history as the documentation on “nuts and bolts” activities is thin with Cynthia Infante-Inman’s departure


Board of Review-Planning for a Board of Review will be determined after tax bills are presented.

Zoning Board of Appeals –One case being worked on a request to lower a side-lot setback in the Green Zone on Jackson Hole Trail.


Lovells Media and Reading Center Awaiting the purchased and “to be constructed” shelving to be acquired and installed.  Uncatalogued paperbacks are being purged from the library and will go to Book Sale or Book Boxes.  A large donation of books was received and they will be reviewed for placement. The South End Book Box is leaking and will require some maintenance and sealing.  The roof is suspected due to the nature of its construction.


  1. The legal authority for the DNR to impose NRA definitions and regulations is still under review. We have no feedback so far.



  1. Warbler’s Association has once again asked for $400.00 to support their July 4th Fireworks display. This is a traditional request and it was noted that there has not been any inflation over the years and that others donate as well. Neumann moved, Lovell supported to authorize the requested support.  In a voice vote, all Ayes motion passed.
  2. Discuss / decision continuing membership in MTA at a cost of 1257.47 / year. It was noted that one set of exchanges on legal issues with the MTA consulting attorney can provide that amount of value in itself.  Dues are by taxable value so Lovells membership is much cheaper than more developed townships. Neumann Moved, Hopp supported to continue membership in MTA.  In a roll call vote all Ayes, motion is passed.
  3. Bear Lake Township (Kalkaska Co.) issued an update of the Camp Grayling SUP. Parcels in Lovells are impacted.  Our last resolution had no impact so it was decided that approach would likely be fruitless.  It was decided to write a letter (Neumann to author) to the DNR Representative on the permit to express our opposition to the SUP.
  4. Discussion on input requested by Paul Compo (CC Controller) on a proposed Tax Allocation Board. This Board would seek to recommend the County Board of Commissioners unwind Headlee caps, by a ballot initiative in the county on property tax millage rates and restore them to circa 1992 values.  This would increase everyone’s property taxes by a significant percentage.  As Lovells has been a good steward of the taxpayer’s money and we currently have a surplus, the Board sees no reason that Lovells would need this increase.  Supervisor Neumann will communicate our non-support to Paul Compo.
  5. The Fire Department requested authorization to purchase one “scene” light, two vehicle lights and 15 personal lights for the department along with wildland gloves. Visibility on scene is a critical element in delivering emergency services and several recent runs have demonstrated that we need improvement in this area.  A quote for a package was presented at $2,507 plus shipping.  Neuman moved, Kengel supported to approve this expenditure.  In a roll call vote, all Ayes, the expenditure is approved.




  • Informational Items
    • Porta-Potty Sign has arrived and was placed conspicuously at Neumann’s Landing next to the “River Etiquette” sign
    • Discussion on recent biennial Audit of Lovells Township. We had our biennial audit concluded and the report issued. Lovells received some small adjustments to the allocations of some transactions among the funds from the CPA but was found otherwise to be in excellent shape from an accounting standpoint.  The CPA suggested we could downgrade our version of QuickBooks and benefit from getting the Treasurer her own version so that paper ledgers could be retired and we can enjoy a more efficient Treasury operation.
    • Grey Rock Rod Builders will rent the hall June 20-22


Regular Business closed at 10:46


End of Public Comment @ 10:47

  • Motion to Adjourn by Neumann, Support by Lovell, Motion Carried by Voice Vote

Meeting Adjourned at 10:48

Next Regular Meeting of Lovells Township Board will be held Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 10:00 AM at this location.



Respectfully Submitted,


Kenneth F. Ball

Lovells Township Clerk