Board Meetings

August Regular Meeting of the Lovells Township Board-Approved Minutes

Approved Sept 10, 2024

Regular Meeting of the Lovells Township Board

July 9, 2024


PRESENT:  Cheryl Hopp, Heather Lovell, Ken Ball, Tamara Kengel, Gary Neumann


ALSO PRESENT   Ann C Duby, Sally Brand, , Dave Soderquist, Bill Gergorsky, Terry Wright.

Supervisor Neumann called the Board Meeting to order at 10:02AM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Reading and approval of the minutes of our Regular Board Meeting July 9, 2024.  Neumann moved to accept the minutes from the June meeting as presented, Hopp supported.  Voice Vote:  All Ayes.  MOTION CARRIED

PRE-PAID VOUCHERS:            Presented were pre-paid vouchers From July 4, 2024 through August 4, 2024 as presented:  General Fund totaling $20,093.98, Direct Deposit Checks totaling $6,521.34; Fire Fund totaling $10,329.20; Landfill Fund totaling $8,793.84; and Liquor Fund totaling $179.96. Notable bills were a payment for installing the sprinkler systems Crossroads Park expenses and it was noted that due to the vagaries of the pay calendar vs. the meeting calendar the report contained two months payroll.   Neumann moved and Lovell Supported to accept the pre-Paids as presented. In a roll call vote:  All Ayes.  MOTION CARRIED.

Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer’s July Report, was received. It was noted that the adjustments with the CPA to the Treasurers books were completed as discussed at the July meeting. Neumann moved to accept the report, in a voice vote the report was Accepted as Presented.



Crawford County Planning Commission (CCPC)No Report

Lovells Township Planning Commission (LTPC) –No Meeting to report, next meeting is planned for October 7, with agenda pending.

Assessing- No report, there was no BOR in July as no requests were received.

Fire/EMS Department – 9 runs, 2 Fire and 7 Medical

Cemetery Sexton- No Report.

Liquor Inspector- Three acceptable inspections noted.

Zoning Administrator –3 permits issued, 2 Pole Barn style Accessory Buildings,,1 new residence and deck and a new deck.

Zoning Enforcement Officer- All quiet on this front.


Parks and Rec- The shelter will not be in place for Bridge Walk as had been hoped.  The planned size is approximately 20’ X 30”, in a “step-up” style with power and an ADA compliant ramp for access.   The transplanting of flowers donated by Donna Bumgardner is about 50% complete, with the others held back pending ground prep.  Donor sign is ready but requires extensive proofreading.

Historical Society/ Bridge Walk –

  • Beaver, Beer and Banjos was a success with approximately $1,200 raised. The music was reported to be of fine quality for the event.
  • There was a meeting scheduled for the 12th of August but as a quorum was not obtained, no official business was transacted.
  • The LTHS is discussing hosting a Hunter’s Expo in October featuring activities germane to that aspect of Lovells recreational heritage. A Beaver based meal is planned for this event to be held at the Township Hall.


Board of Review-None required for July

Zoning Board of Appeals –One case being worked on a request to lower a side-lot setback in the Green Belt Zone on Jackson Hole Trail. The Public Hearing is scheduled for Thursday the 15th at the Township Hall.


Lovells Media and Reading Center Shelving will be installed in the coming week.  Book boxes were refreshed and a waterproof membrane will be installed under the roof.  The team is preparing for the Bridge Walk book Sale and donations for same were coming in.


  1. The legal authority for the DNR to impose NRA definitions and regulations is still under review. We have no feedback so far.



  1. Discuss and Decision overdue increase in cemetery foundation charges. Neumann discussed the economic inadequacy of our current charge which has been in place for many years at $0.14/sqft.  The logistics of acquiring Readi-Mix as it is no longer locally available adds to the expense.  For these reasons Neumann recommends an immediate increase to $0.30 per sq.ft. from $0.14. Neumann Moved, Hopp supported to increase the foundation fees as described.  In a voice vote all ayes motion is past and the fee schedule will be amended.
  2. Discuss and decision offer from Bill Gergorski to grade and re-gravel the access trail in Lovells Cemetery with the Township covering materials expense. The Township appreciates Bill’s generous offer and will support.  Discussion on the width of the path and 10 ft was considered adequate.  Quick measurements yield approximately two “trains” of type 23A limestone being required and Lewiston Sand and Gravel is our preferred vendor.  Neumann moved and Lovell supported to allocate Not More Than $3,000 towards material, pending a formal quote from LSG.  All Ayes, motion passed we will contact LSG for a written quote.
  3. Significant output from MTA on PA 233, which preempts local units of government from exercising siting control over large scale renewable energy facilities. If a local unit of government has a compatible renewable energy ordinance, an application would still need to go through the local unit.  Should the board consider or adopt such an ordinance?  Neumann provided an article discussing the principle and that having such an ordinance at least would give Lovells a say in the matter.  The board agreed to begin discussing with the township attorney the development of an amendment to our zoning ordinance based on the MTA templates.




  • Informational Items
    • Draft Fire/EMS and Landfill Budgets for FY ‘24-‘25 for a work session at the September Board Meeting and adoption at a public hearing during the October Board Meeting. These were passed to the board for review.
    • A large electric power plant is in the early planning stages near Jailhouse Road in neighboring Otsego County. The plant is rumored to require 1MM gallons of cooling water per day and is sited close to the headwaters of the North Branch.  The site is chosen due to the availability of water and natural gas.  It is unclear what impacts the draw of ground water would have downstream.
    • A SAAB munitions plant is being considered in the vicinity of Four Mile Rd and I-75. The parcel is one that Grayling Charter Twp.  has set aside for industrial development (it is close to the existing board plants and KCC)
    • Update / Summary of the August 6 Primary/Millage election for Lovells. Once again Lovells is the leader in voter participation in Crawford County with 43% of registered voters.  In local races, Neumann, Hopp and Long advance to the November election for trustee, Kengel for Treasurer and Wright for Supervisor.


Regular Business closed at 10:39

PUBLIC COMMENTS: Dave Soderquist commented on the concern of foreign ownership of the industrial base in Crawford County, that while the jobs were here, the profits leave the county and country.  Dave further commented on the ownership of the Old Jailhouse Trl. property that the proposed power plant would be sited on if it was DNR or privately owned.  A quick scan of the GIS maps show it is likely state owned.  Dave also commented that he has heard that the median on I-75 between St. Helen and West Branch that was clear cut for “road safety” will be the home of a solar installation.  He asked that “No Overnight Parking” signs be installed at Cross Roads Park and Neumann’s Landing.  It was noted that the ATV/UTV crowd has been using the parking at Neumann’s, which is intended for river users.

End of Public Comment @ 10:50

  • Motion to Adjourn by Neumann, Support by Lovell, Motion Carried by Voice Vote

Meeting Adjourned at 10:50

Next Regular Meeting of Lovells Township Board will be held Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 10:00 AM at this location.



Respectfully Submitted,


Kenneth F. Ball

Lovells Township Clerk