Board Meetings

UN-Approved Minute, Sept 8 2024 Regular Township Board Meeting



Regular Meeting of the Lovells Township Board

October  8 , 2024


PRESENT:  Cheryl Hopp, Heather Lovell, Ken Ball, Tamara Kengel, Gary Neumann


ALSO PRESENT   Ann C Duby, Sally Brand, Pam Charney, Dave Soderquist, Bill Gergosky, Rick Wright, Peggy Orr, Janet Dunning, Jo Johnson, Mike Mosser, Marlene Swiss, Bonnie Maricic.

Supervisor Neumann called the Board Meeting to order at 10:02AM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Supervisor Neumann moved to temporarily suspend the Regular Board Meeting and enter into a Public Hearing on the Fire/EMS and Landfill FY ’25-’26 Budgets. Supported by Lovell and affirmed by voice vote.

Supervisor Neumann opened the discussion by indicating the budgets being presented were the same as those in the working session held last month without alteration.  Fire Fund Budget represents a balanced budget by way of the Fire/EMS Milage (0.9233 mils on all township parcels), $30,000 USD contribution from the General Fund of “PILT” funds from the State and a carryover of $91,000 approximately.  Budgeted Revenues are $96,500 against Budgeted Expenses of $99,000.  The Landfill Budget has an estimated income of $95,500 vs. estimated expenses of $95,200.  This leads to a Special Assessment District levy of $96.40 per improved parcel against the Winter Tax collection, an increase of $4.24 over last FY.

Public comment was made regarding the difference in funding mechanisms between the two funds and it was explained that it was developed based on the assumption that even undeveloped parcels require Fire/EMS services, but tend not to generate trash.  This being the case, a valuation-based levy seems more appropriate than a flat fee against only developed parcels.  Question was asked if Warbler’s Association campground users were assessed the SAD.  The reply was that it is believed that the Associations maintains dumpsters for this purpose.  There was also a question if the budgets were developed using trend data (number of responses / trash loads etc.) over time and the response was our method is mainly inflation based.

Public Hearing was closed at 10:14 and the Regular Board Meeting Resumed

Supervisor Neumann moved, supported by Lovell to adopt the Fire and EMS Budget as presented.  In a roll-call vote, all Ayes, Motion is Passed and the FY ‘25-’26 Fire and EMS Budget is adopted.

Supervisor Neumann moved, supported by Lovell to adopt the Landfill Budget as presented.  In a roll-call vote, all Ayes, Motion is Passed and the FY ‘25-’26 Landfill Budget is adopted.


Reading and approval of the minutes of our Regular Board Meeting September 10, 2024. One typo was noted and the Clerk will correct Neumann moved to accept the minutes from the September meeting as corrected, Hopp supported.  Voice Vote:  All Ayes.  MOTION CARRIED

PRE-PAID VOUCHERS:            Presented were pre-paid vouchers From September 6, 2024 through October 4, 2024 as presented:  General Fund totaling $13,643.10, Direct Deposit Checks totaling $5,033.10; Fire Fund totaling $5,748.46; Landfill Fund totaling $7,965.48 and Liquor Fund totaling $96.78. Notable bill was for our Pension Payment, normally applied in April, but delayed due to invoicing /personnel issues at our service provider.  Neumann moved and Lovell Supported to accept the pre-Paids as presented. In a roll call vote:  All Ayes.  MOTION CARRIED.

Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer’s August Report, was received. It was noted that the Treasurer’s Report balanced with the Clerk’s ledgers. Neumann moved to accept the report, in a voice vote the report was Accepted as Presented.



Crawford County Planning Commission (CCPC)No Report

Lovells Township Planning Commission (LTPC) –Met on October 7 to set a Public Hearing on exclusion of Wind Facilities from our Zoning Ordinance.  That hearing is scheduled for November 1, at 5 PM at the Township Hall.  An organizational meeting of the reconstituted Planning Commission will be held in January.

Assessing- Focused on updating assessment roll due to building and demo permits issued.

Fire/EMS Department –8 runs, 4 Fire and 4 Medical.

Cemetery Sexton- No Report.

Liquor Inspector- Three acceptable inspections noted.

Zoning Administrator –4 Permits issued, to wit: ` steel building, 1new home + steel building, 1 car port, and 1 addition.  One past permit was revised from a 10 X12 Addition to a 10 X 24 addition at 6353 CR 612

Zoning Enforcement Officer- A complaint letter has been issued to the Letts with no response yet.


Parks and Rec- Focus is now on finishing projects in process at CR while weather permits.  Volunteers are needed to make this happen.



Historical Society

  • Most activities are winding down for the season
  • The LTHS is hosting an Upland Hunter’s Expo on October 12, from 6-8:30 PM focusing on bird hunting, use and training of hunting dogs, etc. Both Hunters and non-Hunters are welcome. A Beaver and Chili based meal is planned for this event to be held at the Township Hall.  The event will also feature a Silent Auction fundraiser.  These activities are free to the public with donations accepted and encouraged.
  • LTHS is looking for board members. If you would like a rewarding activity and help in preserving the rich heritage of Lovells Township please contact a current board member for info.


Board of Review-No December BOR looks to be needed at this time

Zoning Board of Appeals –A Public Hearing on a Greenbelt side lot variance is planned for the 17th of October.  This hearing again features cooperation across the property boundary at the center of the hearing.


Lovells Media and Reading Center The South Side Book box has the refurbishing of the roof to prevent leaking completed.


Our request of the DNR to provide feedback on our proposed STR Ordinance was fulfilled via a le-mail from Jessica Mistak of the DNR.  The gist of the letter is that the DNR accepted our proposed ordinance language regarding a “10 person” limit to an STR as being equivalent or more restrictive than the DNR’s “3 bedroom” limit and either option is acceptable.  They also confirmed the DNR’s obligation “to ensure local standards are consistent with the same minimum standards as found in the Natural Rivers Act and Rules”. (Translation: you were correct to ask us this question before you implemented an ordinance).


There was further discussion on the question of if Lovells (or any municipality really) should be enforcing NRA rules and the difficulty for any entity to enforce this standard.  Several examples were given on NRA issues that the Township has immediately kicked to the DNR for enforcement action, with mixed results.


There being no consensus among the board members at this moment it was decided to further examine the implications for the township among several paths before taking a board action on this issue.



  1. Supervisor Neumann proposed working hours for the upcoming holiday season The proposal is to close for business at Noon on  Wednesday,11/27 for the Thanksgiving Holiday, returning on the normal Tuesday 12/3.  For the Christmas/New Year time period it is proposed to close at 3 PM on Thursday 12/19 and return to normal hours on Thursday 1/2/2025.  The treasurer noted that she will establish statutorily required open hours during that general break time.
  2. We received a tepid response to our Snow Plowing bid request. As such Neumann was going to reconnect with past bidder to make sure they indeed received the bid package.  Action will be taken in November Board Meeting
  3. For the Statutorily required board transition at High Noon on November 20th, Supervisor Neumann suggests that Clerk Ball will swear in the Clerk electee, followed by himself swearing in the Supervisor electee and the then duly sworn new Supervisor to swear in the Treasurer and Trustees. A Neumann sponsored soirée will follow.
  4. Supervisor Neumann wishes to appoint the following Planning Commission members Sally Brand and Jan Orin to continuing terms ending 12/12/2027 and 12/12/2026 respectively. This avoids a full-scale turnover of members at one time.  In a voice vote, the board approved the appointments.
  5. Clerk Ball presented a draft of a new facilities rental agreement to cover renting/use of the Township Hall, Pavilion, and new shelter. This addresses some deficiencies in our current contract brought to light by recent events at the facilities.  Key features are a higher Cleaning Deposit for use of the Hall and modest fees charged for use of the Pavilion and Shelter if someone would like “private” i.e. exclusive use of those facilities.  The general reception was positive but we were asked to consult with our insurance carrier and to write in a provision that community groups with long standing “free” use expectations (example: Loose Threads) would yield to paying renter or official Township needs (example: Elections, Committees etc.).  These requests will be acted on before taking an adoption vote on the finished agreement.


  • Informational Items
    • A Detroit news article on the Saab munitions plant to be sited in Grayling Charter was distributed. This is a done deal pending normal state reviews vis-à-vis environmental impact, traffic etc.  Lovells is impacted as one of the deciding factors is the siting decision is the proximity to the Range 41 complex for Quality Control Testing.
    • Replacement of the “Twin Bridges” with a conventional structure rather than the existing culvert structure seems imminent pending funding success by Huron Pines. The new structure will impact adjacent landowners, who were in attendance at a stakeholder meeting last week.  It was indicated that the new bridges would not feature a mid-span access like the existing one; likely no formal access will be created at this crossing.


Regular Business closed at 11:20

PUBLIC COMMENTS: Dave Soderquist commented regarding NRA and the impact that people not right on the river can have on the environment and thought the board was doing a good job of being equitable in our handling of that concern.  He also commented on the general state of division both locally and nationally making governance more challenging.  He inquired if the Twin Bridges would indeed remain so, and it appears from the published plans that they will.  He commented on the recent arrest of 5 Chinese nationals for spying in the vicinity of Camp Grayling.  He advises if you see something, say something.  Bill G explained his comments on Chif Lewicki’s presence at the last meeting and wishes all “department heads” would attend.   He also wondered in selling “naming rights” to the new shelter would be a revenue option for the township.  We will take that suggestion under advisement.  Bill also took time to thank the current board members for their public service

End of Public Comment @ 11:27

  • Motion to Adjourn by Neumann, Support by Lovell, Motion Carried by Voice Vote

Meeting Adjourned at 11:28

Next Regular Meeting of Lovells Township Board will be held Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 10:00 AM at this location.



Respectfully Submitted,


Kenneth F. Ball

Lovells Township Clerk