Compactor and Recycling Centers

Crawford County Materials Management (Solid Waste) Plan Notice of Intent

Lovells Residents and Property Owners

Please see below a Communication from Paul Compo, County Administrator.  The State of Michigan requires us to post this for public viewing.  The document can be accessed by selecting the link below

MMP – Notice of Intent 7062024


The State of Michigan is requiring all counties to develop a Materials Management Plan (formerly known as a Solid Waste Management Plan).  Our notice of intent (attached) has been approved by the State.  As a result, I am required to make sure you all receive a copy of the Notice of Intent.


We have designated NEMCOG as our Designated Planning Agency for this plan and will be working with them throughout the process.  We are required to have the plan developed and approved by the County Board of Commissioners within 36 months, or by 7/06/2027.  The State has outlined our next steps below.


Next steps that must be completed within 180 days include (1/4/2025):

  • Appointment of the Materials Management Planning Committee
  • Appointment of the Designated Planning Agency (within 120 days – this was already done in your NOI submission)
  • Development of a work program
  • Approval of work program from Planning Committee


Let me know if you have any questions regarding the Materials Management Plan.



Paul C. Compo


Crawford County

200 W. Michigan Ave.

Grayling, MI  49738

(989) 344 – 3202  office

(989) 390 – 6896  mobile

(989) 348 – 5743  fax