Board Meetings

Preliminary Agenda, Lovells Township Board Meeting, September 10.


September 10, 2024

  • Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
  • Roll Call
  • Reading and Approval of Board Meeting Minutes:
    • August 13, 2024
  • Approve Pre-Paid Vouchers
  • Treasurer’s Report –
  • Correspondence
  • Department Reports


-Liquor Inspector

-Zoning Administrator

-Zoning Enforcement Officer-


  • Committees, Commissions and Boards

-Board of Review – No July BOR was held

– Historical Society – Heather Lovell

-Planning Commissions:

  1. Lovells Township
  2. Crawford County

-Zoning Board of Appeals-ZBA Public Hearing Thursday 8/15 Jackson Hole Trail re: lot setback reduction was approved.

-Lovells Reading & Media Center – Cheryl Hopp

-Parks and Recreation Committee-Tamara Kengel

  • Unfinished Business:
    1. Still no decision on status of the STR legal review request by the DNR.
    2. MI Act 233 Addresses Utility Scale Solar and Wind Installations. Discuss Bryan Graham’s (Township Attorney) memo on potential LT Zoning Ordinance Changes around this issue
  • New Business:
    1. Working Session Draft Fire/EMS and Landfill Budgets for FY ‘24-‘25 Proposed Income for $96,000 for Fire/EMS vs Expenses of $99,000. Landfill estimated income of $95,500 vs Expenses of $95,200.
    2. Discussion by the Clerk on the Nov 5 Election and Early Voting options.
    3. Discuss concerns by Sexton Lewicki regarding gravelling of the Cemetery loop.
    4. Application by Wm. Brown as Transfer Station Substitute, as Recommended by Ron Tallieu.
  • Info Items
    • Snowplowing Bids for ’24-25 season are due at the Township Hall NLT 10/5/2024. To be opened at the 10/8/2024 Board Meeting
    • Bridge Walk Report by Sally Brand
    • Drone Zone with “eyes-off” operations allowed coming to Lovells in 2025.
  • Public Comments
  • Motion to Adjourn
  • Next Regular Meeting of the Board: Tuesday, October 8, 2024 10am, Township Hall