Board Meetings

Unapproved Lovells Township Board Meeting Minutes – January 14, 2025

Regular Meeting of the Lovells Township Board

January 14, 2025


PRESENT:  Cheryl Hopp, Tamara Kengel, Gary Neumann, Janet Dunning, Richard Wright


ALSO PRESENT:  Jo Johnson, Darby Kuenzel, Heather Lovell, Peggy Orr, Dave Soderquist, Sue Shaflett, Sally Brand, Jack Plants, Pam Plants, Kevin Kunckleman, Payl Wayco, Kathy Lareau, Roger Popp, Randy Long, Mike Mosser

Supervisor Wright called the Board Meeting to order at 10:02AM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Agenda item was added by Dunning for KCI billing.


Dunning commented that meeting minutes were late due to illness and other competing priorities.  Will try to have new unapproved minutes for 1-14-25 posted by end of day.

Moved by Neumann, 2nd by Dunning to approve – Carried  

Approve Prepaid Vouchers:  Gary Neumann commented on charge of $1825.52 for ballot coding and early voting was excessive.

Motion to approve prepaid vouchers.  Ayes:  Dunning, Wright, Kengel, Neumann and Hopp.  No Nayes.  Prepaid vouchers received and approved.

Treasurer’s Report:  Gary Neumann commented on the positive Landfill balance which is an improvement over previous year(s). – Treasurer’s report received and approved.

Quarterly P&L Report:  Received and approved

Correspondence:  None

Department Reports:

  1. Assessing:  Wright – nothing to report.
  2. Fire Department:  Dunning reported that Chief Lewicki’s report showed 8 runs; 2 Fire and 6 EMS.  Wright added that runs were up 25% for the year and the vast majority was medical per Chief.
  3. Liquor Inspector:  Dunning reported 3 inspections submitted and accepted.
  4. Zoning Administrator:  Wright reported no permits submitted.
  5. Zoning Enforcement Officer:  Wright reported no enforcement items submitted.

Commissions, Committees and Boards:

  1. Board of Review:  Wright reported that BOR met on 12/10/2024.  There were 2 failed exemptions.
  2. Historical Society Representative:  Kengel reported that meeting was held on 1/13/25.  Schoolhouse display is going to be historic pictures of Lovells Township history.  Any pictures or written accounts of township history would be greatly appreciated.  Family stories of Lovells past are more than welcome.  Calendar of events is being developed and Historical Society is in the process of creating a new website.  Trout opener is April 26, 2025.  The upland event is scheduled for October 4th and they are looking for ideas to add to the calendar.  An ADA ramp for the schoolhouse entry and specs are being emailed to the township board for approval.  Donations to the Historical Society’s efforts to preserve the history of Lovells Township are much appreciated.
  3. Planning Commissions:  Wright reported that the PC met on January 6th.  Jo Johnson was welcomed as new member.  Crawford County has not met in quite a while.  They are still interested in meeting and will try to get together this month.
  4. Zoning Board of Appeals:  Neumann indicated no activity.
  5. Lovells Reading and Media Center:  Hopp reported nothing new.  Drop boxes are being utilized.
  6. Parks and Recreation Committee:  Kengel reported nothing new but will be convening via text to get a calendar of dates for the summer season for upcoming meetings and an agenda for what needs to be finished in the park.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS:   Wright reported no activity.


  1. Adoption by the board of the recently released 2025 IRS mileage reimbursement rate of $.70 per mile for the use of privately owned vehicles on official township business. This rate is effective 1/1/2025 and payable with checks issued on and after 2/1/2025.  The Federal COLA adjustment has been settled upon at 2.5%.

Moved by Wright to adopt the new reimbursement rate of $.70 per mile.  2nd by Dunning to approve – Carried

  1. Review and discuss FY 2025 – 2026 township General and Liquor Funds and payroll adjustments. To be presented at the public hearing on 2/11/2025.

Hopp questioned the Insurance Dividend & Checking Acct Interest of 6500 estimate for 2025/26 budget.  Hopp to look over new P&L next month for the year.  Item tabled.

  1. Wind Energy facility exclusion ordinance – published in the Avalanche on 1/16/2025.
  1. Website update to .Gov and improve usability for everyone.  Use of Zoom, Transcription, AI use.

Wright reported that we are working on transparency.  We are trying to get website updated.  Dunning shared that we will be looking for 3 bids to submit to the board.  This is a work in progress.  Discussion took place around using Zoom for meetings and recording the Zoom so that anyone who could not make the Zoom meeting could view via website link. 

  1. Board Meeting Dates 2025: 1/14, 2/11, 3/11, 4/8, 5/13, 6/10, 7/8, 8/12, 9/9, 10/14, 11/11, 12/9, 1/13/2026.  Second Tuesday of each month at 10AM.
  1. HVA review underway. Region 7 health – evacuations/call tree.  Neighborhood watch?

Wright reported that he filled an HVA assessment out for LT.  Wright suggested possibly instituting a call tree, group email or text list to communicate with constituents.  

Info Items:

Wright reported Dunning and Wright to meet with attorney.

 Kengel would like to have Clerk/Treasurer/Supervisor door keys replaced.

Mike Mossier shared that we should consider keypads for exterior front/back/side doors.

Gary Neumann brought up assessment notices are going up 3.1% this year on real property.  He shared that this is better than the 5% that they went up the last two years.

KCI Postage

Dunning shared that we need to pay $970.10 for postage to KCI for publishing 2025 assessment notices.

Moved by Wright, 2nd by Neumann to approve – Carried


PUBLIC COMMENTS:  Began at 10:40AM

  1. Mike Mosser brought up speed limit through town and if we had any input. Huge concern around large fuel trucks that go through town at a very high rate of speed.  Rick will discuss what can be done proactively with Sheriff Department.  Audience provided suggestions.
  2. Soderquist discussed importance of useable website. Discussions occurred.

Motion by Kengel to appoint Soderquist to a commission to update the LT website, 2nd by Wright – to approve – Carried

Motion to adjourn meeting.

Moved by Wright, 2nd Dunning – Carried

Meeting Adjourned at 10:57AM

Next Regular Meeting of Lovells Township Board will be held Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 10:00 AM at this location.

Respectfully Submitted,


Janet L Dunning

Lovells Township Clerk