Board Meetings

Minutes Lovells Township Board Meeting July 9, 2024. Approved 8-13-2024



Regular Meeting of the Lovells Township Board

July 9, 2024


PRESENT:  Cheryl Hopp, Heather Lovell, Ken Ball, Tamara Kengel, Gary Neumann


ALSO PRESENT  Bill Gibas, Ann C Duby, Sally Brand, Joanne Phillips, Delia Parker, Randy Long, Janet Dunning, Ron Dunning, Bill Gergorsky, Kevin Kunklemann.

Supervisor Neumann called the Board Meeting to order at 10:02AM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Reading and approval of the minutes of our Regular Board Meeting June 11, 2024.  Neumann moved to accept the minutes from the June meeting as presented, Hopp supported.  Voice Vote:  All Ayes.  MOTION CARRIED

PRE-PAID VOUCHERS:            Presented were pre-paid vouchers From June 7, 2024 through July 5, 2024 as presented:  General Fund totaling $14,087.03, Direct Deposit Checks totaling $4732.83; Fire Fund totaling $29,017; Landfill Fund totaling $6,367.98; and Liquor Fund totaling $97.16. Notable bills were a payment for our QuickBooks subscription, Crossroads Park expenses and the final payment for the new Radios for the Fire/EMS department.   Neumann moved and Lovell Supported to accept the pre-Paids as presented. In a roll call vote:  All Ayes.  MOTION CARRIED.

Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer’s June Report, was received. It was noted that while inflow and outflows were balanced with the Clerk, that the beginning balances were out of alignment due to changes because of the CPA audit.  Our CPA firm was unable to come and discuss their corrections with the Treasurer and Clerk prior to the meeting but is scheduled to discuss corrections later in the day.  We will amend the report after the meeting.  It was discussed that this is a normal occurrence after each biennial audit.  Neumann moved Lovell supported and, in a voice vote the preliminary report was Accepted as Presented.

Clerk’s Profit and Loss Quarterly Report:  Neumann discussed that this report included the 1st Fiscal Quarter and as such reflected many one-time annual expenses.  Neumann moved to accept the report as presented and in a voice vote, All Ayes, the report was accepted.



Crawford County Planning Commission (CCPC)No Report

Lovells Township Planning Commission (LTPC) –July 1st meeting was held with no new business presented.

Assessing- Jamie and crew received a perfect score from the State for Assessment Roll and Practices.  No BOR for July is scheduled as no requests for corrections have been received.

Fire/EMS Department – 8 runs, 2 Fire (Mutual aid for Frederic and Albert) and 6 Medical

Cemetery Sexton- One internment (4 Cremains together) in June.

Liquor Inspector- Reports were not available at the time of the meeting.  After the meeting reports were presented and all three were with no issues noted.

Zoning Administrator – 3 permits issued, 2 Pole Barn style Accessory Buildings and a new Residence.

Zoning Enforcement Officer- The Big Creek Lodge Trail case has been discussed with the owner and he seems to have made some progress with removal of vehicles.


Parks and Rec- The committee and several volunteers have been busy with development activities at Crossroads Park. Irrigation system was installed.  Three benches, matching those at the Access Site have been ordered.  It was noted that the price has dramatically increased since the Access Site purchases.   Shelter/ Pavilion bids are being solicited.  A quote for potable water at the park is at $8,000 due to health code requirements.  It is being suggested that if this is desired, a separate, targeted fundraising should be entertained as this high expense would not fit in the agreed development budget.

Historical Society/ Bridge Walk –

  • Beaver, Beer and Banjos is on track for July 20 but, will be Beaver-less, due to the unavailability of USDA inspected Beaver Meat. The Tavern cannot serve non-inspected meat products due to MDHHS regulations.
    • There will be a live auction, rather than silent at BBB. Fundraising has been a bit of a struggle this year.
  • LTHS Hosted Illinois TU Youth for an education / habitat restoration work event. The Illinois TU Youth were well utilized and noted that they went home tired.
  • The LTHS Scholarship was presented to the recipient Hunter Eurich at a ceremony held at the Museum. They are very humbled at being selected for the award and will use it to attended LSSU in Fisheries Biology.


Board of Review-None required for July

Zoning Board of Appeals –One case being worked on a request to lower a side-lot setback in the Green Zone on Jackson Hole Trail. The survey has been completed and the setback request agreed to by the adjacent property owner.  A public hearing on the case will be scheduled.


Lovells Media and Reading Center Shelving has been delivered. Awaiting the purchased and “to be constructed” shelving to be installed.  Book boxes continue to be well used and the team is preparing for the Bridge Walk book Sale


  1. The legal authority for the DNR to impose NRA definitions and regulations is still under review. We have no feedback so far.



  1. COLA increase estimates running at 2.6%. Will budget a 3% increase in Salaries and Wages.  Budgets will be proposed and adjudicated starting in August.
  2. Fick & Sons propane quote for $1.599/gal, same as last year. Discuss and decision propane for the upcoming heating season. It was noted that this is an enviable offer and the potential for issues by switching providers likely will be more trouble than any unknown savings we might gain.  Neumann Moved, Lovell supported to accept the Fick and Son’s offer.  In a roll call vote all Ayes, motion is passed.
  3. Request from Sherriff Swope for Lovells Board support for the renewal of millages for STING/School Resource Officer and 24-hour road patrol. Supervisor Neumann prepared a letter of support for the Board to sign as these millages are found to have merit.  In a voice vote, all Ayes to sign the letter of support for millage renewals. The letter was signed an provided to Sheriff Swope- post meeting.
  4. We received a request from the Lovells Chapel to acquire a soon to be unused book shelf fro the Media Center. While the Board does not believe we can donate the shelf we offered to sell the unit de minimus. ($1). The Board agreed on this course of action for disposal of the shelf.




  • Informational Items
    • Grey Rock Rod Builders’ event was a success
    • Copy of Letter sent by Neumann to MIDNR regarding the permit for MNG to conduct spectrum analysis in the area including land in Lovells was presented. It was noted that the permit was issued without any visible public input, but our concerns were voiced in any case.
    • Lovells Lighting Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance has been published and is now in force.
    • We received through back channels that preliminary meeting had been held regarding replacing the “Twin Bridges.” This is prompted by efforts to restore historic river flows that have been restricted due to “culvert style” bridging by Huron Pines.  Discussions regarding bridge type, material of construction and timing, skew and sediment control are being had by various stakeholders.  The project, if funded, would not likely commence until 2026.


Regular Business closed at 10:46

PUBLIC COMMENTS: Bill Gergorsky commented on the effectiveness of the Radar Sign at slowing traffic along 612 at the eastern approach to “Downtown” Lovells.  He also noted the state of the driving path at the Cemetery and how in his opinion that it could use some refurbishing.  He provided an estimate for materials and offered to do the prep and machining as a public service.  The Board appreciates the input and will take this offer under advisement.

End of Public Comment @ 10:47

  • Motion to Adjourn by Neumann, Support by Lovell, Motion Carried by Voice Vote

Meeting Adjourned at 10:48

Next Regular Meeting of Lovells Township Board will be held Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 10:00 AM at this location.



Respectfully Submitted,


Kenneth F. Ball

Lovells Township Clerk