Board Meetings

Approved Minutes, Lovells Township Board Meeting September 10, 2024

****************Approved October 8, 2024********************


Regular Meeting of the Lovells Township Board

September 10, 2024


PRESENT:  Cheryl Hopp, Heather Lovell, Ken Ball, Tamara Kengel, Gary Neumann


ALSO PRESENT   Ann C Duby, Sally Brand, Chief Lewicki, Dave Soderquist, Bill Gergorsky, Rick Wright, Peggy Orr, Janet Dunning, Jo Johnson.

Supervisor Neumann called the Board Meeting to order at 10:00AM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Reading and approval of the minutes of our Regular Board Meeting August 13, 2024.  Neumann moved to accept the minutes from the June meeting as presented, Lovell supported.  Voice Vote:  All Ayes.  MOTION CARRIED

PRE-PAID VOUCHERS:            Presented were pre-paid vouchers From August 9, 2024 through September 5, 2024 as presented:  General Fund totaling $32,011.36, Direct Deposit Checks totaling $5,274.53; Fire Fund totaling $14,438.30; Landfill Fund totaling $11,330.78 and Liquor Fund totaling $97.17. Notable bills were payments for materials for the Crossroads Park Shelter and Donations Sign, State of Michigan Radio Activation Fee and Heavy Transfer Station use.  Neumann moved and Ball Supported to accept the pre-Paids as presented. In a roll call vote:  All Ayes.  MOTION CARRIED.

Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer’s August Report, was received. It was noted that the Treasurer’s Report balanced with the Clerk’s ledgers. Neumann moved to accept the report, in a voice vote the report was Accepted as Presented.



Crawford County Planning Commission (CCPC)No Report

Lovells Township Planning Commission (LTPC) –No Meeting to report, next meeting is planned for October 7, with agenda pending.

Assessing- No report needed.

Fire/EMS Department –12 runs, 1 Fire and 11 Medical.  Chief Lewicki noted that we have two Fire/EMS personnel that will be attending Officer’s Training Academy this fall (tuition paid via grants, Lovells to pay for time and materials) and two others that will begin EMT Training this Fall/Winter as well.  This serves to bolster our staffing expertise on the service.

Cemetery Sexton- No Report.

Liquor Inspector- Three acceptable inspections noted.

Zoning Administrator –1 Permit issued for a Pole Barn with Lean-To

Zoning Enforcement Officer- A revised complaint has been filed, complete with drone photos and will be referred to the ZEO for enforcement action 9/11/2024.


Parks and Rec- The shelter is in the process of being erected and some plants are in place.  There is an area designated by orange that is open for planting of wildflowers and other native plants.  The walking path is set and is ¼ mile in length, so four circuits net you a mile.  Users are encouraged to pick up a rock or two when using the path as they are beginning to surface.

Historical Society

  • Most activities are winding down for the season
  • The LTHS is hosting an Upland Hunter’s Expo on October 12, from 6-9 PM focusing on bird hunting, use and training of hunting dogs, etc.  A Beaver and Chili based meal is planned for this event to be held at the Township Hall.  The event will also feature a Silent Auction fundraiser.  These activities are free to the public with donations accepted and encouraged.
  • LTHS is looking for board members. If you would like a rewarding activity and help in preserving the rich heritage of Lovells Township please contact a current board member for info.


Board of Review-No BOR was required in July

Zoning Board of Appeals –The case regarding a Green Belt Set-back reduction request was adjudicated at a public hearing and was approved.  The case featured a great deal of cooperation between the stakeholders and is a good model of neighborliness.


Lovells Media and Reading Center Shelving was installed and books rearranged for a more efficient set-up.  The Book Sale at Bridge Walk was smaller this year, probably driven by the inclement weather.  The South Side Book box has been turned over for refurbishing of the roof to prevent leaking.


  1. The legal authority for the DNR to impose NRA definitions and regulations is still under review. We have no feedback so far.
  2. MI Act 233 Addresses Utility Scale Solar and Wind Installations. Discussion on Bryan Graham’s (Township Attorney) memo on potential LT Zoning Ordinance Changes around this issue.  In short, the provision for a local “conforming ordinance” is more feel-good than substance.  The outcome will be determined under the same criteria as the State Public Service Commission (which is the approving authority under PA 233) and if a local unit denies an application that would be otherwise approved, they are subject to legal action.  There seems no real benefit to create an Ordinance upon which we have no real enforcement rights.  Therefore, Board consensus was not to adopt a local “conforming ordinance” to PA 233.




  1. Supervisor Neumann led a working session regarding the budgets for FY ’24-25 for the Fire Service and Landfill Operation. He went over the development process and proposed income and anticipated expenditures.  The budgets are “balanced” due to a small carryover on the Fire/EMS Budget along with the $30,000 General Fund supplement to Fire/EMS.  The Board agreed with the methodologies and budget amounts so the proposed budgets will be subject to a Public Hearing at the October Board Meeting.
  2. Discussion by the Clerk on the Nov 5 Election and Early Voting options. Voters who wish to do early voting can do so at the Crawford County Building from October 27 to November 3.  6 electors from Lovells chose that option for the August primary.  Absentee Ballots have not yet arrived due to ongoing litigation and will be sent out promptly upon receipt by the Clerk.  Voters still have time to request an absentee ballot for the November General Election
  3. Discussion on concerns by Sexton Lewicki regarding gravelling of the Cemetery loop. While he appreciated the offer, his experience indicates that a gravel or limestone refresh of the drives will be a temporary fix, that will in short order be infested with weeds again.  He prefers an asphalt option.  This would be a much pricier option that will require further cost development. Neumann will take this on.   At this point, Bill Gergorsky withdrew his offer of labor for re-graveling the drive due to timing concerns.  Also mentioned in this discussion was an estimate for re-fencing the roadside façade with black wrought-iron fencing exceeding 20,000 dollars.
  4. Application by Wm. Brown as Transfer Station Substitute, as recommended by Ron Taillieu. William has municipal experience and a reliable sub is needed as Ron will be attending Fire Officer school this fall.  Neumann moved to accept the application., Lovell supported.    Brown is approved for the position and will be entered onto the payroll.





  • Informational Items
    • Snowplowing Bids for ’24-25 season are due at the Township Hall NLT 3 PM, 10/5/2024. To be opened at the 10/8/2024 Board Meeting
    • Bridge Walk Report by Sally Brand. Despite the weather, Bridge Walk netted $11,700 for the Friends of Lovells Fire and EMS.  We had 191 served for Breakfast and 141 for Lunch. Ms. AuSable River and her court attended this year, but the Grayling Band did not.  Thank you to all the donors and volunteers that made this the “happening event” for Lovells again this year.
    • Drone Zone with “eyes-off” operations allowed coming to Lovells in 2025. This is a 6 mile wide state / National Guard corridor to develop drone technology and service models without the drone being visually guided, which is current state law.
    • Roscommon is developing a Social Zone (public outdoor alcohol consumption). Should Lovells consider such a thing in the vicinity of the Tavern and Lodge?
    • Please take time to honor the fallen on September 11, 2024.


Regular Business closed at 10:27

PUBLIC COMMENTS: Dave Soderquist commented regarding board action on PA 233 local ordinance.  He indicated that the Crawford County Waste Management Plan may impact the cost of these services for Lovells residents long-term.  Concerning the drone – zone he mentions that much of Lovells is subject to FAA restriction of the airspace due to the military activities.  He again asked that we consider the long-term needs for reliable EMS services for our aging population.  Ann Duby asked if Wm. Brown was a township resident and indeed, he is.  Bill Gergorsky asked regarding the configuration of the new benches in the park and commented that a 4th may be desirable.  He also commented that if the LTHS wanted new members they should be open to new members with new ideas for the conduct of the group.  His last comment was regarding wanting to see more of Mr. Lewicki at board meetings, during the time Bill is in residence in Lovells.  Rick Wright asked if there was any further information on the power plant/ carbon sequestration unit being proposed in Otsego County along the upper North Branch Watershed.  The estimated ground water extraction is revised to be 1.3 Million Gallons/day.  Neumann mentions that this project has drawn the attention of every major conservation group operating in the area.

End of Public Comment @ 10:40

  • Motion to Adjourn by Neumann, Support by Lovell, Motion Carried by Voice Vote

Meeting Adjourned at 10:40

Next Regular Meeting of Lovells Township Board will be held Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 10:00 AM at this location.



Respectfully Submitted,


Kenneth F. Ball

Lovells Township Clerk